Emit Capital Fund Performance - Climate Finance Equity Fund Performance
Emit Capital's Climate Finance Equity Fund is a climate change thematic managed fund holding 30 to 50 globally listed equities. Our Fund is specifically designed to cater to Wholesale & Sophisticated Investors and advisers. Although past performance is not an indicator of future performance, the Fund has outperformed the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI) since its inception in August 2019. Fundamental to Emit’s approach is our commitment to responsible investing, ensuring our investments meet strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles and aligns with our impact investment analysis. The team at Emit Capital are climate finance and funds management executives with significant international experience and successful track records. With offices in Australia and North America, we manage our portfolio of investments utilising a proven analytical model together with significant buy-side research capability. Contact Emit Capital Asset Management to discuss your investment opportunity in the Fund.